1. Abducent.
2. Facial.
3. Trigeminal.
4. Trochlear.
Ans: 3
88. Angle of the jaw is supplied by:
1. Great auricular nerve.
2. Lesser occipital nerve.
3. Greater occipital nerve.
4. Posterior auricular nerve.
Ans: 1
89. Which is true about opening of jaw?
1. Lateral pterygoid muscle contracts.
2. Movement in vertical axis.
3. Articular disc moves backwards.
4. Head of the mandible moves forwards.
Ans: 1
90. The branches of the external carotid artery do not include:
1. Facial artery.
2. Lingual artery.
3. Maxillary artery.
4. Inferior thyroid artery.
Ans: 4
91. Which vertebra has the most prominent spine?
1. C2.
2. C7.
3. T10.
4. L2.
Ans: 2
92. All are tributaries of cavernous sinus except:
1. Superior ophthalmic vein.
2. Central vein of retina.
3. Superficical middle cerebral vein.
4. Superior sagital sinus.
Ans: 4
93. Which is palpable at the anterior border of masseter?
1. Stensons duct.
2. Submandibular duct.
3. Facial nerve.
4. Maxillary artery.
Ans: 1
94. Which is true regarding parotid gland?
1. Stenson's and Wharton's duct join and open at the upper second molar teeth.
2. Stenson's duct opens opposite upper second molar teeth.
3. Parotid duct pierces the masseter.
4. Developed from mesoderm.
95. Which of the following is derived from cartilage of the third arch?
1. Styloid process.
2. Malleus.
3. Incus.
4. Greater cornu of hyoid.
Ans: 4