(161-170)161. Which of the following is not true about hand instruments used in Operative Dentistry?

A. They are generally made of stainless steel.
B. Nickel-Cobalt-Chromium is never used in its
C. Carbon steel is more efficient than stainless steel
D. It can be made with stainless steel with carbide

162. An electric pulp tester (EPT or Vitalometer)
usually elicits a response at a higher current than
normal if a tooth, being tested has:
a. Open apex b.A pus-filled canal
c. Suffered a trauma d. Chronic pulpitis
163. According to the buccal object rule, when the xray
tube is repositioned either at a more mesial or at
a more distal angulation and a film is exposed, the
root or canal farther from the film (the buccal) will

a.Move in the opposite direction that the cone is
b.Move in the same direction that the cone is directed
c.Not move at all
d.none of the above
164. Which of the following canals in a maxillary
first molar is usually the most difficult to locate?

a. Palatal b. Distobuccal
c. Mesiobuccal
d. All of the canals are relatively easy to find
165. In which of the following conditions will the
involved teeth most likely not require endodontic
treatment if managed properly?
a. Globulomaxillary cyst
b. Radicular cyst
c. Chronic dental abscess
d. Chronic periapical granuloma
166. Which of the following is not an indication to
use solvent-softened custom cones?
a. Tugback" within 1 mm of working length
b. Lack of an apical stop
c. An abnormally large apical portion of the canal
d. An irregular apical portion of the canal
167. The property of gold that is not affected by
cold working
a. Proportional limit b. Hardness
c. Ductility d. Modulus of elasticity
168. Osteoporosis of the jaws is not related to
a. Hyperthyroidism b. Hypoandrogenesis
c. Cushing’s syndrome d. Adenocarcinoma of stomach

169. The speed of injection of a local anesthetic

a. Causes injection into a vascular channel
b. Modifies the actual final blood level obtained
from a local anesthetic
c. Reduces the actual peak blood level attained
d. Increase the vascularity of the local area

170. The incidence of asymptomatic carriage of
type B hepatitis is
a. 5% b. 10%
c. <1% d. 20%

161. b Nickel-Cobalt-Chromium is never used in
its fabrication
- Hand cutting instruments are manufactured from
two main material carbon
steel and stainless steel
- In addition, some are made with carbide inserts to
provide more durable
cutting edges.
- Carbon steel is harder than stainless steel, but when
unprotected, it will
- Other alloys of Nickel, Cobalt and Chromium are
used in the manufacture
of hand instruments but they are usually restricted
to instruments other than
those used for cutting of tooth structure.
162. d. Chronic pulpitis
163.A.Move in the opposite direction that the cone
is directed
Therefore, when the cone is aimed to the distal
(angled from the mesial direction) the buccal root or
canal moves to the distal and appears distal to the
lingual or palatal root (or canal).
Note: In order to apply this rule, you must have a
reference object
When treating multlcanaled bicuspids and molars,
it is often difficult to ascertain on the radiograph
which canal is more toward the buccal. When a
straight-on exposure is taken of a bicanaled tooth, the
canals become superimposed on the film, and
visualization of each canal is impossible. If the x-ray
cone is moved to give an angled exposure, the roots
will be separate on the film.
By applying the buccal object rule you will be able
to determine which canal is the buccal and which is
the lingual.Another way to explain this shift-cone
technique is a SLOB (Same Ungual, Opposite
Buccal) rule; the object toward the lingual side
(closer to the film) will appear to shift on the film to
the same direction as the repositioned X-ray cone. ->
if the X-ray cone is mesially angulated, the lingual /
palatal object (root) will shift toward the same (mesial)
side in the resultant radiograph film, and thus easily
Note: Using this technique you can determine:
Working length of superimposed canals.
Curvatures of root / canals.
Facial-Lingual orientation of instruments, or
other anatomical objects.
164. c. Mesiobuccal
Canal orifices of a maxillary first molar are arranged in
the shape of a triangle. The orifice to the mesiobuccal
canal is usually the most difficult to locate, since It is
under the mesiobuccal cusp and must be entered from a
dlstollngual position. This canal is the small canal and
often splits into two canals. It maybe calcified and
difficult to instrument. The palatal canal is the
straightest, widest, and most tapering canal. The most
common curvature of the palatal root is to the facial.
The distobuccal canal is also small and tapering. The
orifice to this canal has no direct relation to its cusp.
The distobuccal orifice is usually located by means of
its relation to the mesiobuccal orifice, with the
distobuccal found approximately 2 to 3 mm to the distal
and slightly to the palatal aspect of the mesiobuccal
orifice.Note: In approximately 59% of maxillary first
molar teeth, a fourth canal Is present with its orifice
being just lingual to orifice to the mesiobuccal
canal. The canal is located in the mesiobuccal root
and may join the mesiobuccal canal or exit through a
separate foramen. If a lesion is present on the
mesiobuccal root prior to root canal therapy and
doesn't heal in the usual amount of time (6-12 months)
following treatment, it is most likely due to a missed
canal (mesio-lingual).Remember: The U-shaped
radlopaclty commonly seen overlying the apex of the
palatal root of the maxillary first molar is most likely
the zygomatic process of the maxilla.
165. a. Globulomaxillary cyst
An apical scar is represented by a periapical
granuloma, cyst, or abscess that heals with scar tissue.
Well-circumscribed radiolucency resembling a
granuloma. Tooth is non-vital.
A radicular cyst usually occurs in a pre-existing
granuloma. Seldom is painful. Radiolucency at apex
of non-vital tooth.
A chronic dental abscess is often a result of a
periapical granuloma. Radiolucent area at apex of nonvital
tooth. Fistula is often found leading from an
abscess cavity. Once drainage is established, the tooth
stops being painful. A chronic periapical abscess Is
often the cause of a sinus tract in the gingival tissues
of children.A chronic periapical granuloma is the most common
sequelae of pulpitis. It is asymptomatic and associated
with a non-vital tooth.
A cementoma occurs most frequently in the anterior
region of the mandible. It starts as a radiolucent
lesion and then calcifies. The cementoma does not
affect pulp vitality. Also called
periapical cemental dysplasia.
A traumatic bone cyst is not a true cyst since there is
no epithelial lining. Found mostly in young people,
asymptomatic. Radiolucency which appears to scallop
around the roots of teeth. Teeth are usually vital.
A globulomaxillary cyst is found at the junction of
the globulus and maxillary processes of the maxilla,
between the lateral incisor and the canine roots. It is a
developmental (hssural) cyst which arises from cells in
a fissural line of bone. Teeth are vital.
166. a. Tugback" within 1 mm of working length
Since solvent softening does not ultimately result in a
better apical seal, this time consuming procedure can
be reserved for the other indications listed on the
front of the card. This slight resistance to
dislodgement is referred to as "tugback." The cone
should also have a definite apical seat it should not
be able to be pushed further apically.If the
preparation is properly flared, fitting the master
cone is not a time-consuming procedure. A guttapercha
cone the same size as the file used last during
preparation (MAF) is selected and placed as far as
possible into the canal, but not beyond the working
length. Once satisfactory tugback and apical
positioning appear to be obtained, a radiograph is
taken to verify cone positioning. If an accurate
determination and careful enlargement have been
performed, the x-ray will show that the master cone
reaches the most apical position of the preparation
or extends to a point just short of that (1 mm).
When the cone is slightly short, the pressure of
condensation plus the lubricating action of the sealer
wilt be sufficient to produce complete seating of the
cone.If the cone is more than 1 mm from the
radiographic apex, discard the cone and fit a smaller
one or instrument more in the apical third.
Remember: The main reason for recapitulation
(using your MAF after each increase in file size)
during instrumentation of the canal is to clean the
apical segment of the canal of any dentin filings that
were not removed by irrigation.
167. d. Modulus of elasticity
168. d. Adenocarcinoma of stomach
Osteoporosis produces a decreased density with
weakness of the bones of the jaws. The decreased
density is the result of an inadequate or depressed
matrix formation with an impediment to formation of
new bone.
169. b. Modifies the actual final blood level
obtained from a local anesthetic
The concentration of the particular drug used does
not necessarily alter the systemic toxicity or the
actual blood level attained.
170. c. <1%



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