(191-200)191. Which condition is characterized by pain that is spontaneous and has periods of cessation (intermittent in nature)?

a. Reversible pulpitis b. Irreversible pulpitis
c. Both a & b d. None of the above

192. A patient complains of a constant pain , dull
in nature, in nature, in contrast to the sudden
sharp, shooting, intermittent pain of
neuralglias(chronic pain) and pain ranging from
mild to intolerable in the muscles of head &
neck,the most likely underlying cause is
a. Trigeminal neuralgia
b. Facial palsy
d. Cluster head ache

193.True statement/s about Sublingual space
infection is/are
a. Infection always crosses midline\
b. Infection from the posteroinferior part of the
space, can spread around the Submandibular gland
into Submandibular space
c. Infection can also spread via the lymphatics to the
sibmental or Submandibular Lymphnodes
d. ALL of the above

194. A patient presents with pain & tenderness,
nonhealing bony & overlying soft tissue wounds
with indurations of soft tissues, intra & extraoral
draining fistulae Thickened or wooden character
of bone the most likely diagnosis is
a. Chronic osteomyelitis
b. Acute suppurative osteomyelitis
c. Garre’s sclerosing osteomyelitis
d. ALL of the above

195. There is disruption or loss of continuity of
some axons, which undergo Wallerin
degeneration distal to the site of injury, this type
if nerve injury is called
a. Neuropraxia
b. Neurotemisis
c. Axonotmesis
d. None of the above

196. Malignant epithelial tissue tumors are known
a. Myxomas
b. Teratomas
c. Carcinomas
d. Sarcomas

197. An anesthetic agent capable of promoting
fatty degeneration in the liver is
a. Ether
b. Chloroform
c. Nitrous oxide
d. Cylopropanes

198. In the reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap
a. Acute angles are requirement
b. A vertical incision must be made
c. The incision should always be made around the
necks of the teeth
d. The base must be broader than the free margin

199. The advantage/s of marsupialization (Parch)
in the treatment of cysts is/are

a. Preservation of vital structures
b. Exposure of very little bone
c. Simplicity of the procedure
d. ALL of the above

200. A liver cirrhosis in a patient be of concern to
an oral surgeon because
a. Hemorrhage may occur following surgery
b. Delayed Detoxification of drugs
c. Healing is slower
d. ALL of the above

191. b. Irreversible pulpitis
The severity of the clinical symptoms will vary as the
inflammatory response increases. Pain will vary from a
mild and readily tolerated discomfort to a severe,
throbbing and excruciating pain. The pain is
spontaneous and is intermittent in nature. The pain
lingers after the removal of the irritant. The pain is
usually not readily localized by the patient but is
diffuse in character. Lying down or bending over
intensifies the pain of irreversible pulpitis because the
overall increase in cephalic blood pressure is relayed to
the confined pulp tissue. The tooth may be tender to
percussion, heat may intensify the pain response while
cold may relieve it (in advanced stages). Usually they
both will cause severe and lasting pain. The radiographs
will usually disclose no periapical pathology.
Treatment is root canal therapy.
Reversible pulpitis (hyperemia) -» the pain associated
with hyperemia does not occur spontaneously. It
requires an external irritant to evoke a painful
response (i.e., cold, sweets). The pains are sharp and
of brief duration, ceasing when the irritant is
removed. Radiographs appear normal (may show deep
caries or cavity preparation). The tooth is usually
percussion negative. In thermal tests, the pulp responds
more readily to cold stimuli than to hot (the response
leaves shortly after removal of the stimulus).
Treatment usually Is a sedative filling or new
restoration with a base.
Note: Pulpal Inflammation (hyperemia) is most
commonly caused by bacteria.
192. c. MPDS
MPDS is a pain disorder in which unilateral pain is
referred from the trigger points in myofascial
structures to the muscle of the head & neck

193. d. ALL of the above
The sublingual space is separated from the
submental space by the mylohyoid muscle, which
forms a complete diaphragm into the floor of the

194. a. Chronic osteomyelitis
Other features include
Pathological fractures
Enlargement of mandible
Sterile abscess
Teeth in the area are tender

195. c. Axonotmesis
Here the general structure of the nerve remains
intact, with prolong conduction failure

196. c. Carcinomas

197. b. Chloroform

198. d. The base must be broader than the free

199. d. ALL of the above
Preservation of vital structures associated with the
cyst lining; eg; vitality of the teeth
Simplicity of the procedure, which may be helpful if
patient’s systemic condition dictates a conservative
surgical approach

200. d. ALL of the above
Hemorrhage may occur following surgery, because
of the inability of the liver to synthesize vit-Kdependant
factors Prothrombin & factors VII, IX,
Delayed Detoxification of drugs, pentobarbital,
secobarbitol etc, by liver may be delayed
Healing is slower than normal of poor protein


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