525. Which is the Nucleus of Masseteric Reflex

a.       Chief Sensory Nucleus
b.      Nucleus of Spinal Tract of Trigeminal Nerve
c.       Nucleus of Mesencephalic Tract of Spinal Nerve
d.      Dorsal Vagal Nucleus

524. All of the following are Somatic Efferent except

a.       Facial nerve
b.      III Nerve
c.       IV Nerve
d.      VI Nerve

523. ‘P’ wave in ECG recording is caused due to:

1. Atrial depolarization.
2. Atrial repolarization.
3. Ventricular depolarization.
4. Ventricular repolarization. 

520. The lamina propria is:

 A.  epithelial tissue 
 B.  connective tissue 
 C.  adipose tissue 
 D.  muscle tissue 

519. A 5-year-old child develops a febrile disease with cough, a blotchy rash, and cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy. Also noted is an erythematous, maculopapular rash behind the ears and along the hairline, involving the neck and, to a lesser extent, the trunk. Examination of this patient's oropharynx would likely reveal which of the following lesions?

 A.  Adherent thin, whitish patch on gingiva 
 B.  Cold sores on the lips 
 C.  Curdy white material overlying an erythematous base on the oral mucosa 
 D.  Large shallow ulcers on the oral mucosa 
 E.  Multiple small white spots on the buccal mucosa 

519. Delta waves of electroencephalogram have frequency of:

1. More than 14 cycles per second. 
2. Between 8 and 13 cycles per second. 
3. Less than 3.5 cycles per second. 
4. Between 4 and 7 cycles per second.

514.Papillary carcinomas spread by the route of



Follicular carcinoma spreads via hematogenous route.Medullary and papillary carcinoma spreads via lymphatics and anaplastic has a direct spread

513.All structures are preseved in radical neck surgery except

a.Carotid arteries
b.Cranial nerves 7,9,10
c.Phrenic nerve
d.Accessory nerve

Ans-d.Accessory nerve 

512.All are the causes of hypokalemia except

a.Following trauma
c.loss of GIT secretions
d.All of the above

Ans-d.All of the above

511. When the dentist enters the operatory, the patient, who is new to the office, stands close to the wall, has his arms folded, and is looking at the floor. The dentist should initiate communication by saying which of the following?

A. Let's get going, I've got a lot to do.
B. What are you angry about?
C. Didn't my assistant get you seated?
D. You seem uncomfortable; did you have a bad dental experience?
E. Hi, I'm Doctor Wilson, what brings you here today?

510.If a patient suddenly becomes unconscious during treatment, the practitioner should immediately assess the patient's

A. airway and pulse.
B. airway and blood pressure.
C. pulse and blood pressure.
D. color and pupils.

509. A 2-day-old developing plaque consists primarily of

A. Treponema species.
B. Bacteroides species.
C. filamentous organisms.
D. gram-positive cocci and rods.
E. a structureless, non-mineralized pellicle.

508. A major sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joint is derived from the

1. great auricular nerve.
2. auriculotemporal nerve.
3. inferior alveolar nerve.
4. temporal branches of the facial nerve.

507. A fracture of the hamulus affects the action of which of the following muscles?

A. Superior constrictor of the pharynx
B. Levator veli palatini
C. Tensor veli palatini
D. Salpingopharyngeus
E. Buccinator

506. A disturbance in cartilage formation in a fetus results in deformities of theA disturbance in cartilage formation in a fetus results in deformities of the

1. sphenoid and zygomatic bones.

2. axial skeleton and the base of the skull.

3. axial skeleton and the flat bones of the skull.

4. petrous portion of the temporal bones and the parietal bones.

503.Which of the following statement is with respect to tertiary dentin

a.It can always be seen in routine intraoral radiographs.
b.Can be observed in demineralized histological sections
c.It is initially  termed as secondary dentine
d.Starts when the lesion starts in enamel carious lesions

Ans-b.Can be observed in demineralized histological sections


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